Our project started in the end of May. Our energy team classes (two classes, 4th grade students = 48 pupils) were first told about the project. The aim was to get them interested in the project. Those 48 pupils were divided into 8 groups. Groups I-VI measured the temperatures of classes, library, staff room, kitchen,etc. (37 rooms altogether, about 6 rooms for each group) and they also checked if there were lights off/on. Group VII was named as a "toilet-police-group"; they went to every toilet (24) and inspected if the lights were off/on, the faucet or toilet bowl was dropping. Group VIII checked the shower rooms (4): lights,faucets,toilet bowls,showers,drinking sinks (if thery were on or dropping).
Two pupils went to every class and marked light switches with permanent pen ("front"/"back") so that everyone would know whitch button to push (avoiding unnecessary on/off -pushing).
The energy team drew also notes with slogans like "Switch off the lights!", "Wash up quickly!",.. They were laminated and put on the right places reminding all pupils.
A couple of days after starting the project we told to whole school about the results of our measurements and checking. We told that the project will start on August "for real".