My son Petteri Järvinen, age 11, participates this autumn a project in Länsimetsä school. The project is about how to save energy. Petteri has liked the project very much and he has told many things about it at home. We are a family of six persons, parents, son Petteri, daughter Juulia age thirteen and twins Ilona and samu, aged 5 so the energy consumption is quite high at our house. During this autum Petteri has taught us how to save electricity, for example he reminds us all the time to shut the lights of when we leave the house or even one room. Last week he taught the twins how to brush their teeth in the more energy saving way: the water shouldn't run the whole time while you are brushing! He has also reminded us about that we dont have to watch three tv´s at the same time or keep many computers running at our house.
Last week the class took a trip to a factory involving energy producting and it was very interesting, according to Petteri!
I think the whole project is very important and already it has changed the way of thinking and living in our family!
Sanna Järvinen, Petteris mom
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