We are taking part in energy saving project 50/50. It has been fun and we have saved energy. We have switched the lights from toalets, using less water and recycling. There are many countries and schools with this project too. We have been interviewing them. We have been suprised that so many school want to be interviewed. Right now we are waiting for answers and it is interesting and fun to compare acts and blogs between other countries. We have asked these questions:
Dear 50/50 friends! Here are some questions about 50/50 project. I wish you have little time to answer. Thanks!
Interview 50/50
1. Where do you come from?
2. Tell us about your school?
3. Why did you start the 50/50 energy saving project?
4. How have you saved energy so far?
5. Do you have new ideas for how to save more energy?
6. Have you been writing to your blog in the Internet?
7. If you have, can you tell what do you have in your blog?
8. Have you had any special theme days or school gatherings about the 50/50-project?
9. What do pupils and teachers think about this project?
10. Do you want to tell something more or send greetings to Finland?

1.We are from a school called Benviure located in Sant Boi de LLobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
2.We are a public nursery and primary school, ages 3 to 12 years old, and we belong to the green school network of Catalonia, and actually we form part of the Euronet 50/50 project.
If you want more information we invite you to our website: http://phobos.xtec.cat/ceip-benviure/
3.Due to a proposition from the department of the environment which coordinates the Euronet 50/50 project and who knew about our green school background We thought it would be appropriate to include it in our environmental action program complementary to our education labor.
4.As a school we have sudied how to use and save both water and electricity. After studying each topic with the students, from nursery to primary, we spent a whole day without water in the school. The sudents had to collect the water for day from the public fountains.
A study was conducted on the use and need for water through history and its global distribution. With the use of electricity we did a similar task.
5.We believe that the Euronet project will help all the educational community to take more conscience about the Earth’s global warming
The measures are being developed and implemented as the project goes on, until now we’ve set up posters in the classrooms, signalled the light switches and regulated the taps’ water flow.
6.Yes, you can visit it.
8.Yes, we’ve carried out periodical meetings with all the implicated agents The environment committee is formed by teachers, parents, pupils and the Department of the Environment representatives.
9.It means for us quite a lot of work, as it is carried out during the entire course and has to be combined with the syllabus.
In general, the pupils participate enthusiastically because they like to move around the school controlling the consumption of energy.
10.You are invited to visit our school and to know at first hand how we work.
Here are the answers:
1. We come from Poland.Our village is in the eastern part of Poland. It is called Jadachy.
2.Our school consists of primary school and gimnazjum(grammar school).They function as one school complex.There are 147 pupils, 20 teachers and 4 people in the staff. We have been taking part in ecological and healthy projects and programmes like: EURONET 50/50, “School for Ecodevelopment”, collection and segregation of recyclable materials, bicycle races. At present we are putting in an application to get the title of “Local Centre of Ecological Education” and”Green Flag”. A lot of children take an active part in ecological circles(“The League of Wildlife protection”, “All-Poland Society for the Protection of Birds”, “Friends of the Earth”). They also take part in ecological compaigns like “Save the Primeval Forest”, An Hour for the Earth”, “Cataloguing of fire-bellied toads”.
3.We started EURONET 50/50 because we care about our planet and we want to reduce the consumptionof thermal energy and electricity. Projects like EURONET 50/50 help children and adults to realize that everyone can do something for our planet.
4. Before we started EURONET 50/50 we didn’t have any organized actions in aid of environment.We tried to do something and we acted on our initiative(turning off the light and water , reduction of heating). We drew everyone’s attention to the necessity of saving.
5. We are going to install solar panels. But at present we can’t afford this. We haven’t got enough money.Regularly we replace common bulbs into low energy bulbs. We are going to install perlatories on the tabs and screens reflecting heat from radiators everywhere in school.
6. We have realized that there is an absolute necessity to start our blog.We are in the middle of doing this.
7. We will insert all our work connected with ecological and healthy actions and share our ideas with other schools.
8. We have ecological assemblies every Friday. From time to time we have trainning sessions for teachers and parents. We have so called “ecogroup”. Pupils from ecogroup every day at different times with the help of measuring devices check the progress in saving energy and the consumption of it. In April we celebrate “The Day of the Earth” connected with the show of ecological fashion, ecological marches in the neighbourhood and stage some plays about saving energy.
9. Teachers and pupils understand the importance of taking part in different programmes, for example EURONET 50/50 . More and more children save energy.
10.In the future we want to cooperate with you and share our ideas and experience.
And warm greetings from Poland to Finland!!!
1.We are from Cardona (Catalonia, Spain), it’s a beautiful village with a wonderful castle and a salt mountain.
2.Our school is a very nice place to be in. We like the building
and also the different spaces inside: library, playground, sports court, gym,
computers room.
3.We started this project because we were concerned about the environment and saving energy. When the Department of Education suggested we participate we thought it was a good way to acquire correct habits to achieve a more clean and livable planet.
4.We close all the blinds of our classroom every afternoon when we leave the
school, in order to keep the building warm, not loosing the heat accumulated
during the day.
We always turn the lights off when we change to a different space inside our
The highest temperature allowed in our school is 22º C, that saves a lot of
5.Yes, there are lots of families who bring their children to the school by car.
We will suggest them to walk the kids to the school or to use their bike to get
We also recommend to our students their compromise with the environment asking
their families to be aware of environmental questions and also making a
sustainable use of energy (saving it) at home.
6.We may not write to our blog as often as desirable, but we try to go entering our activities. Our web is http://www.xtec.cat/ceip-mdpatrocini-cardona
7.For the moment we are writing about activities in order to achieve to save energy in our school.
8.No, but we try to talk about it every two weeks to go looking for new actions.
9.Pupils and teachers are really enthusiastic about sharing their experiences with
students from other countries and nationalities.
10.All of us say hello very friendly to the Finish students. And we are happy if you can explain something about your school and country.
Energetic group from Mare de Déu del Patrocini school (Cardona)
1.We are Rosó and Mª Mercè, we come from Òdena, Catalonia.
2.School name’s is Castell d’Òdena, it has got 297 pupils.
3.We started this project because we wanted to save energy.
4.We look at light meter every week and we calculate the energy that we have saved and we have spent.
5.We have had new ideas: we have prepared one game to promote that people save energy.
6.We haven’t written in the Òdena’s blog, but we will.
The blog is:http://schoolcastelldodena.blogspot.com/
7.There is an explanation of our meetings and the project.
8.Last year we had one special theme day: we counted how many lights, heaters, windows and doors that we have. And then, we planed how to start the project.
9.Pupils and teachers think that the project is very good of school and for nature.
1.We're from Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona.
2.Our school is “Escola El Turó”. It's a small school. There are about 200 pupils.
3.Because our school is a “green school”.
4.We switch off the lights when we do not need them or we just switch on half of the classroom lights because we try to use natural light.
We close the doors and windows to keep the rooms warm.
We switch off the computers and the monitors when we do not use them.
5.No, just the ones we said in the previous question.
6.Not yet, but we had a look at other school's blogs and wrote some comments.
7.We just have the school's mascot, which has the shape of a small mountain or hill. We also have a small article about a visit we did to the schools installations.
8.No, we haven't.
9.We think that the project is very good because we save energy and this is good for the planet.
10.What can you tell us about your school?
Why do you take part in the 50/50 project?
What do you do to save energy?
What do you do to keep warm and at the same time save energy?
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