Emilia(on the right)
Who are you? Jere Hintikainen and I´m in 6th grade.
Do you like our 50/50 -prjoject? Yes, I like.
Have you learned how to save energy? I have learned a lot.
Have you saved water or electricity? I suppose electricity.
Why do you need to save energy? Because otherwise we spent too much energy.
How do you save energy? We shut the lights when we leave and we wash hands quicly.
Who have saved most energy in your class? I can´t decide.
Will you save more energy in the future? Yes, I will!
What is your opinion about this interview? I got some options about 50/50 -prjoject.
Who are you? I´m Emilia Tiensuu and from 5M class.
Do you like our 50/50 -prjoject? Of couse.
Have you learned how to save energy? Yes.
Have you saved water or electricity? We have saved more electricity.
Why do you need to save energy? We save nature by saving energy.
How do you save energy? I swich the lights and use less water.
Will you save more energy in the future? Yes, I will.
What is your opinion about this interview? It was OK!
15/15 liked the 50/50 project.
7/15 have saved water at home.
8/15 have saved electricity at home
6/15 are saving electricity because then you save money.
6/15 save energy to help nature
3/15 save energy because for some other reason
13/15 save energy swiching the lights.
12/15 save energy by washing hands quicly
Almost everybody want to save more energy in the future!
Heidi ja Jenni
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